Download Public Project Deliverables: |
D2.1 Clinical Review A literature review specifying all basic data items and target indicators required to construct diabetes reports at the European level |
July 2006 |
D3.1 Common Dataset
The general design matrix used to collect data from each participating entre: a template for any individual GP, primary care unit, outpatient clinic, hospital, and region that might be interested to contribute data according to the BIRO standards. |
January 2007
D5.1 Preliminary PIA Report An overview of privacy requirements and relevant legislation for connecting diabetes registers, followed by a general analysis of the
proposed data flow and the definition of alternative candidate architectures |
December 2006 |
D5.2 Privacy Impact Assessment Step 2
Materials, methods and results of a Delphi Consensus Panel that has selected the best architecture to connect diabetes registers according
to privacy protection, information content and technical complexity |
September 2007 |
D7.1 Report Template
A report presenting the complete structure of standardized Diabetes Reports that can be easily replicated across Europe running BIRO on top of the Common Dataset previously identified |
July 2007 |
D4.1 Data Dictionary
Definitions of all data components included in the BIRO database |
October 2007 |
D4.2 XML Metadata Dictionary
The XML representation for the storage and mappings of data components required for BIRO |
October 2007 |
D6.1 Database Engine
The software tools which may be used by each centre to connect to
the local register, to extract relevant data for BIRO purposes and finally
to store them into a local BIRO database. |
January 2008 |
D5.3 Privacy Impact Assessment Step 3
The Analysis of privacy and confidentiality issues of the BIRO Architecture and data flow |
September 2008 |
D8.1 Statistical Engine
A set of powerful statistical tools to transforms data gathered in different regions into usable information and customizable reports |
April 2009 |
D8.1 Statistical Engine appendix - source code The complete source code developed for the Statistical Engine |
April 2009 |
D14.1 Web Report Base
A first version of BIRO Statistical Report. It is delivered in pdf and html format in order to be easily integrated into BIRO Web Portal. |
April 2009 |
D5.4 PIA Step 4 Final Report
This Privacy Impact assessment Report compiles the results of all previous phases (Preliminary Analysis, Data Flow Analysis, Privacy analysis) in a structured way |
May 2009 |
D14.4 BIRO Monograph
The final BIRO report describing activities, workpackage and results achieved during the project |
May 2009 |
D2.2 Clinical Review Update
An update to the overview of the existing literature in order to propose a set of relevant measures collected routinely at the provider level that can also be used for benchmarking of diabetes prevention and care in the different European health care systems. |
May 2009 |
D7.2 Reports Template Update and XML Metadata Reports
An update to the template presenting the complete structure of standardized Diabetes Reports |
May 2009 |
D11.1 Web Portal Template
A technical description of the BIRO web Portal, the access point to the statistical reports and other products of the BIRO Consortium |
May 2009 |
D12.2 Technology Transfer Analysis
A report about the feasibility of implementing the BIRO
Information system, the potential benefits and difficulties in
transferability, considering the logistical and socio-cultural differences existing in BIRO countries. |
July 2009 |
D6.2 Database Engine Update
A report about the development of BIROBox, the comprehensive interface to access, configure and run the BIRO system. |
July 2009 |
D14.3 Plenary Session
The summary report of BIRO Plenary Sessions held in Brussels and Perugia. |
July 2009 |
D4.3 Dictionary/XML Update
An update on the documentation created in WP3 Common Dataset and WP4 Data Dictionary based on partners feedback, evaluators feedback and new requirements of the Statistical Engine. |
July 2009 |
D14.2 Web Report Revised
An example of the BIRO Statistical Report produced by the BIRO Central Engine. |
September 2009 |