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Building a Shared European Diabetes Information System

A Public Health Project funded by the European Commission, Health Information Strand, DG-SANCO 2005 


  • Our mission is to provide strategic information to support coordinated prevention, integrated care and outcomes management in diabetes across Europe

  • “Best Information through Regional Outcomes” (B.I.R.O.) is a three years public health project in the field of diabetes started on the 1st December 2005, sponsored by the European Union under the Health Information Strand of the Public Health Program (DG-SANCO)

  • B.I.R.O. is a European project in the area of public health aimed at providing European health systems with an ad hoc, evidence and population-based diabetes information system

  • The Consortium includes seven partners from academia and governmental institutions, sharing an extensive experience in diabetes research/chronic care management and a genuine enthusiasm for European health policy, as witnessed by a long series of international projects conducted on field over the last 20 years


  • B.I.R.O. activities and results have been summarized in the following comprehensive monograph


Governance Research Health Care Citizens
  • European Union

    • Commission and Parliament

  • National and Regional Governements

    • Local Health Care Authorities, Management Clinical Networks

    • Other local authorities

  • Payers

    • Social/Private Insurance

  • Non Governmental Organizations

    • WHO, OECD, IDF, National and Regional Diabetes Associations

  • EU Directorates Research and Public Health

  • Scientific Organizations

    • National and international scientific organizations

  • Research institutions

    • Universities, Foundations

    • Statistical Departments of Local Governements

  • Research areas

    • Epidemiology, health policy, clinical medicine

  • Primary Care Societies

  • Diabetes Care Units

  • Health Care Professional Associations

  • Quality Management Associations

  • Consumer organizations

  • Patients organizations


  • B.I.R.O. is a novel strategy for the routine production of reliable European summary indicators such as those identified by the EUDIP project. The proposal targets better collection and integration of regional data, focusing on a level where there is a higher chance of improving precision at the lowest cost through the involvement of local users

  • The Consortium is conducting practical activities on field to pool results from different registers that are already in place to support daily care management. We are proceeding to the definition of a common structure that allows to conduct a simultaneous analysis of quality and outcomes of diabetes care at the regional, national, and European level

  • The project, through the active participation of seven regions, defines common standards for the rapid aggregation of comparable data, developing ad hoc routines for secure information exchange and analytical tools that produce a range of outputs

  • The resulting system will continue to work on top of routine databases, applying open source software in a self-sustainable way that can be easily generalized to other situations and extended across Europe

for further information - B.I.R.O. Coordination Centre : DIMI - University of Perugia - Via E. dal Pozzo, I-06126 Perugia - Italy
Tel: +39.075.5727627 Fax: +39.075.5727627 E-mail:biroeu@unipg.it